Re-design for Düsseldorf-based fashion label 667.

Corporate Identity / Re-Design /

We additionally created a first mailing to inform all partners about the changes to come. Theme of the mailing: The Next Step – based on the label's former claim 'One Step Ahead Of The Devil' …

667 – for more than a decade these three numbers represent a unique label from Duesseldorf, on the banks of the river Rhein in Germany. (...) Over the years the brand and it’s whole style has branched out, and has been continuously moving away from the initial sporty 667 logo and it’s associated image. This has naturally brought about significant changes for the upcoming year, the most evident of which is hereby officially introduced: 667 becomes SixSixSeven.

Photography by Estelle Klawitter (people) and Lars David Neill (landscapes). Styling by Stefanie Schmidt.